Transcript: Hi, I'm Heather Markham with Making Waves For Good, and author of the book “Rough Waters from Surviving to Thriving with a Progressive Muscular Dystrophy.” Accessibility is about more than just ramps. One in four Americans has a disability and over 90 percent of those are invisible. Customers with disabilities are considered the absent majority, because if they can’t get through the door or around in your space, or even around in your website … how could you possibly know about them? Curious? Reach out. Let’s talk.

“To tap into the $13 trillion spending power of the disability market and the unmatched insight it brings to innovation, businesses must make accountable, measurable concerted commitments, in partnership with lived experience to make authentic representation and universal design the norm."

“Disability is the result of the interaction between a person and their environment. Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers, such as inaccessible buildings… may hinder their full and effective participation in society."

definition by the World Health Organization

Customers with disabilities are often considered the “absent majority.” Since they can’t get in the door, they are invisible to many of the businesses that

they would otherwise support.

We provide website accessibility;

and, we create physical spaces that are warm, welcoming, accessible, and truly usable by people with a disability.

My superpower is seeing things that other people don’t.

Common Barriers Experienced by People with Disabilities:


including steps, inaccessible bathrooms, and inaccessible pathways


including written messages that prevent access by people with vision impairments,

audio messages that prevent access by people with hearing impairment,

and over complicated and/or technical language that prevent access by people with cognitive impairment.


I’d love to work with you.

Let’s expand your customer base!

Accessibility is about more than just ramps.